Emergent Analytics

Emergent Analytics is a company built to explore, analyze, interpret, and create strategies for clients dealing with complex stakeholder management issues. Sometimes, the behavior and characteristics of a system doesn’t scale linearly from the behavior or characteristics of its constituent parts. In these cases, it is difficult to look at the parts and infer the behavior of the whole. Instead, complex macroscopic behavior of such a system emerges from interactions between its basic elements. These systems are said to be complex, and can be observed in physics, climate science, biology, social science, and many other fields.

Complex social systems arise in groups of people (organizations, institutions, societies, etc.), where the behavior of the group is not necessarily a simple reflection of the behaviors of the individuals within that group. Understanding the relationship between individual and group behavior is crucial to achieving social goals, whether those goals are related to corporate interests, health and well-being, justice, economic development, or any other activity in the social sphere.

Emergent Analytics exists to explore the tools and theories related to complex systems, and bring those tools to bear in a strategic managerial capacity. A particular specialty of the company is the social dynamics related to corporate social responsibility, social license to operate, and social acceptance of resource development projects, from mining to renewable energy.

See my Research page for examples of complex systems models.

Clients and Partnerships